Dental and Vision Insurance Open Enrollment

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2018-11-28 09:00 - 15:00

Deputy Auditor Brittany Tangler appeared before Commissioners on October 25, 2018 to discuss vision and dental renewal rates. Attached is the Renewal Rates At-a-Glance for both tiers of the dental plan. Here is what was discussed:




9:06 AM

Brittany Tangler, Deputy Auditor, appeared before the Board to report that after meeting with Brian Thompson from Hummel Group she learned that the County’s vision insurance rates will remain the same for 2019; however, the dental rates will increase by 5%. Ms. Tangler stated that Guardian wanted to increase the rates to 9% but Mr. Thompson was able to negotiate down to 5% increase. Ms. Tangler provided Commissioners with a price comparison sheet that reflects the increase. Ms. Tangler announced that the open enrollment will take place on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Law Library. Commissioner Ohler asked about the contract length. Ms. Tangler advised the contract for the vision insurance was for 3 years but the dental was only for 2 years. Ms. Tangler advised both contracts will need to be bid out next year for 2020. Commissioner Mickley stated that bids will also need to be accepted in 2019 for the County’s health insurance plan.


Renewal Rates At-a-Glance

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